Math has influenced art in an abundance of ways. For example, in the lecture video, the professor talked about Brunelleschi and how he incorporated mathematics into his artwork. His perceptions in his artwork was his impressions of depth by inclining the lines at eye level downwards as they moved away from the observer, and his lines below eye level were inclined upwards, and left and right towards the center. Brunelleschi understood that there should be a single vanishing point to which all parallel lines in the plane converge. The piece of art that utilized mathematics were the Egyptian pyramids. They had to utilize the complexity of the structure, measurements, numbers, etc. I also learned form our readings that Mauritius Cornelis Escher found ways that math influenced art as well. His work incorporated a mathematical view “by often working directly from structures in plane and projective geometry, and eventually capturing the essence of non-Euclidean geometries.” Math and science both influence art in they’re own individual ways. Math influences art through meaurements, geometry, structures, and computers. While science influences art through computers and new discoveries. Not only are there examples all over the world for math influencing art, but another example is Origami. For this artwork style, the artists have to know the dimensions and how to cut the measurements of the paper. For example, the White-Tailed Deer, Oppus 550, there are so many exact measurements and cuts that go into this work of art. This is another way that math has influenced art.
"Department of Mathematics and Computer Science." Mathematics & Computer Science. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.
"Flatland." , by E. A. Abbott, 1884. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.
"Pyramids." Pyramids. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.
"The Mathematical Art of M.C. Escher." The Mathematical Art of M.C. Escher. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.
"Robert J. Lang Origami." Robert J. Lang Origami. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.
Hi Kathryn! I like how you talked about art being influenced by mathematics by using geometry, shapes, etc. and how you used the Egyptian pyramids as an en example because they are an art form that uses geometry and shapes to build it, therefore, passes for the connection between art+mathematics.